About the project

We are assessing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of incorporating Helicobacter pylori (Hp), Hepatitis C virus (HCV), and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) prevention into on-going occupational surveillance schemes, by engaging with local and regional-level stakeholders.
About the project

Project objectives
Incorporating Hp, HCV and HPV infection prevention into the schemes of ongoing occupational surveillance programs in selected European regions.

Pilot studies
Conduct a series of pilot studies in four European countries for assessing the effectiveness of incorporating primary prevention interventions related to three major carcinogenic infections into existing occupational surveillance programs.

Mission Cancer “Prevention and early detection” Cluster
Get actively involved in the Mission Cancer “Prevention and Early Detection” Cluster, collaborating with the other projects funded under the same call with the objective of maximising overall impact.

Identification of implementation barriers and facilitators
Identify socio-cultural and behavioural barriers, bottlenecks and facilitators for the implementation of occupation-based cancer prevention interventions.

Cost-effectiveness Assessment
Assess the cost-effectiveness of incorporating primary cancer prevention interventions in ongoing occupational schemes and their potential scale-up to other sectors and Member States.
Project objectives
Incorporating Hp, HCV and HPV infection prevention into the schemes of ongoing occupational surveillance programs in selected European regions.

Pilot studies
Conduct a series of pilot studies in four European countries for assessing the effectiveness of incorporating primary prevention interventions related to three major carcinogenic infections into existing occupational surveillance programs.

Mission Cancer “Prevention and early detection” Cluster
Get actively involved in the Mission Cancer “Prevention and Early Detection” Cluster, collaborating with the other projects funded under the same call with the objective of maximising overall impact.

Identification of implementation barriers and facilitators
Identify socio-cultural and behavioural barriers, bottlenecks and facilitators for the implementation of occupation-based cancer prevention interventions.

Cost-effectiveness Assessment
Assess the cost-effectiveness of incorporating primary cancer prevention interventions in ongoing occupational schemes and their potential scale-up to other sectors and Member States.
We will engage with representatives of relevant stakeholder groups for assessing the implementation of specific interventions for preventing infection related cancers as part of the primary occupational health surveillance programmes.

Chronic infections are responsible for an estimated 13% of human cancers, from which HP, HCV, and HPV represent 75%. Including non-occupational related health surveillance in primary occupational prevention programs can help reducing the burden of these cancers.

Pilot study on Helicobacter pylori (Hp)
Hp screening and eradication as primary prevention of stomach cancer within occupational health surveillance programs.

Pilot study on Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
HCV screening and treatment as primary prevention of liver cancer within occupational health surveillance programs.

Pilot study on Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Vaccination as primary prevention of HPV infection and its complications, within occupational health surveillance programs.
Expected impact
We expect to contribute to the control and prevention of stomach, liver, cervical, and oropharyngeal cancers by assessing the implementation of HP, HCV, and HPV infections prevention into occupational health surveillance programs targeting workers from different types of industries and occupations.