The Cancer Prevention at Work project is working for the incorporation of cancer-related infection surveillance in ongoing primary occupational health surveillance programs. The three pilot studies include the workers from the greenhouse industry and promoting inclusivity, gender equality, gender equity, and disabilities.

Understanding HPV: A Silent Threat

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually and non-sexually transmitted infection. There are over 190 different types of HPV, with a significant number of them being linked to several cancers, including cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, cancer in anogenital area and genital warts.

Vaccines for the prevention of infection with high-risk types of HPV are available to ensure primary prevention of cancer from HPV and thus preventing serious subsequent treatment of HPV caused cancer.

No specific treatment exists for the infection caused by HPV, but specific treatments for some health consequences resulting from HPV infection are available.

The Power of Prevention: The HPV Vaccine

The CPW pilot study offers the
chance for HPV prevention
through vaccination.

The CPW Pilot Study for HPV

The CPW project actively promotes awareness of the HPV infections and importance of vaccination by providing the option to undergo HPV vaccination in the occupational health surveillance visit.

Intervention Breakdown
Step by step

When you attend your health surveillance visit…

The doctor will inform you about the intervention.

You will complete an informed consent and a questionnaire to complete the enrolment.

You will be invited to undergo HPV vaccination.

Your household members will be offered to participate in the study and undergo vaccination (if appropriate).
Vaccination consists of two or three doses according to age.

6 months later you will receive a follow-up questionnaire.

The Cancer Prevention at Work project is working for the incorporation of cancer-related infection surveillance in ongoing primary occupational health surveillance programs. The three pilot studies include the workers from the greenhouse industry and promoting inclusivity, gender equality, gender equity, and disabilities.

Participating in the CPW Pilot Study

The Cancer Prevention at Work Project is dedicated to developing and implementing innovative surveillance protocols targeting infection-related cancers, including those associated with HPV, in occupational health surveillance visits within health promotion programs through targeted pilot interventions across diverse worker groups.

Occupational health surveillance, which is compulsory in the EU and includes counselling and prevention of occupational diseases and is a good opportunity for the implementation of the screening programs

Download the HPV brochure