Project Coordinator

Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy

ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – University of Bologna (UNIBO), founded in 1088, is known as the oldest University in the western world. It is one of the largest universities in Italy, with over 90,000 students, 32 Departments, 12 Research and Training Centres, 6 Campuses, 243 Degree Programmes, 52 International degree programmes, and 96 PhD programmes. The University of Bologna has a Multicampus structure, ensuring the opportunity to learn and promoting stable research activities throughout the region, with the aim to improve the operations and quality of life for the university community. Thanks to its presence throughout the territory, the international outlook, the research, the programme catalogue, and the information services, Alma Mater focuses on innovation and excellence across the major fields of science, engineering, and humanities, with more than 900 funded research projects.

Dr. Boffetta graduated in Medicine from the University of Turin and obtained a Master in Public Health from Columbia University. He worked at the American Cancer Society, the World Health Organization, the German Cancer Research Center, and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York. He is professor at Stony Brook University, NY, and at the University of Bologna, and adjunct professor at Harvard University, Vanderbilt University, and Catholic University in Rome. His main fields of research are epidemiology and disease prevention, with emphasis on modifiable risk factors, including occupational and environmental exposure and personal behaviors, gene-environment interactions, molecular epidemiology and evidence integration. He authored over 1,400 scientific publications and edited 15 books; his h-index is 129 (WoS) and 183 (Google Scholar). He ranks 5th among Top Italian Scientists in Clinical Sciences and has been included since 2015 in the Reuter Thomson List of World's Most Highly Cited Researchers.

Dr. Paolo Boffetta

Alessandra Cataneo is a project manager of Research and Innovation projects coordinated by the University of Bologna and funded by the European Commission. Her work develops in interactions with academic Principal Investigators, wide international Consortium multistakeholders, European Agencies and Granting Authorities. She holds a PhD in Economics and her previous background was in Art & Humanities. Alessandra has been connected as a specialist with universities and Social Enterprises for many years. She serves as an expert for the regional governments of Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. Recently, the Bologna Transcultural Psychosomatic Team co-signed a scientific publication about a sanitary evaluation system for the assessment of cultural skills in the medical psychiatric field.

Alessandra Cataneo

Sabato Mellone, PhD in Biomedical Engineering, is Senior Assistant Professor. His main research activities are in the area of data and signal processing, ICT in clinical practice, wearable and embedded sensors, personal health systems design and validation, eHealth, and mHealth applications. He was a work package leader, responsible for the technology development, in the PreventIT project (H2020) and the FARSEEING project (FP7). Currently, he is a work package leader in the EDITH Coordination and Support Action (DIGITAL) that aims to foster an inclusive ecosystem for Digital Twins in healthcare. He is the CTO of the AlmaHealthDB infrastructure to collect and access clinical data in compliance with legal and organizational, requirements. Also, CTO of Spoke 1 within the DARE (DigitAl lifelong pRevEntion) initiative funded by the Italian Ministry for University & Research. He was a co-founder of mHealth Technologies s.r.l., a spin-off company of the University of Bologna.

Sabato Mellone, PhD